Monday, September 7, 2009

(7 September 2009)

Dear Family, (7 September 2009)

This week has been pretty awesome. On Tuesday, which was the 1 of September, it was the first day of Spring. It quite hot here so you can really just call it summer. It's kind of a special day here, especially in the township. Youth throughout Daveyton got buckets of water, some had hoses, and they would splash people on the streets and have a little war. A couple times, on that day, Elder Simmonds and I saw crowds of kids on the streets. We had courage though and decided to just continue down those streets like nothing was up. Secretly we wanted to get splashed. When the kids saw us walking they would shout “mlungu, mlungu!” or “white person, white person!” We knew it was coming, we told them no, no, but they got us anyway. It was sweet. Nothing got damaged and it was a nice way to cool off. It's Summer Time!
Elder Simmonds and I had a pretty nice planning session this past Thursday. We planned for our 12 investigators who are on baptismal date for the 27 September. We were so sure they would all make the date. We were so sure about what we were doing that we even penned in their appointments for the next week. We were certain we would be able to see them at the times we planned. Well as the week continued we slowly realized that not all of the 12 were serious. We are a little saddened that we probably won't get 12 on 27 September, but we are still super excited for this area. We are finding lots of Zimbabweans and they are so sweet, and ready for the gospel.
We are teaching a man named Mzwandile, he is 27 and has a lot of problems. He drinks and he doesn't have money to buy food pretty much everyday. He lives by himself in a home that his grandmother left behind for him. Well one day we came to his door, but nobody answered. I didn't want to be rude but I thought it was important to see him so slowly but surely I walked in for I was trying to get over my fear of entering his house without permission. I found him on his bed, and I almost had to shout to wake him up. He was wasted. We talked to him while he was drunk. He told us how things were hard and he even said that he has thought of killing himself. We told him to definitely not do that. He thanked us for coming in. I really think that he was trying to act like he wasn't home because he told us that he doesn't like us to see him drunk. Many times he will ask us for food or for money. Elder Simmonds and I have decided that the next time we see him which is on Wednesday we are going to buy him a kota. He came to church this Sunday which was really good for him. Even after church he asked me to buy him bread.
This past Sunday was pretty good for us. I'm really starting to love teaching at church and giving talks. The 4 of us Elders taught Elder's quorum and encouraged the quorum to do their home teaching for it effects our recent converts. We tried to help them see that it is about love, and how them doing their home teaching unifies the ward. I really believe that that is a reason the Lord has given us home teaching. He has made a simple and easy way to unite us and to help the Elders magnify their callings, and their priesthood. I wasn't the best home teacher back home, but I will do better. If you are not doing your home teaching you are not holding your priesthood righteously. The Lord has given it to us as part of the church organization. Also I was able to teach Gospel Principles on Sunday which was super sweet. I taught about Missionary Work. I love teaching that class and tieing the lesson into the Restoration. Brother Jokozela, one of the counselors in the Bishopric gave me an assignment to speak in sacrament meeting next Sunday for about 15-18 minutes. Back home I would have been terrified, but mission has really been helping me to be able to speak to people. We had 7 new people come to church, and 2 of them hadn't even met the missionaries before they just saw the church and wanted to visit. The 2 of them spoke to us after church and told us they wanted us to visit them.
We recently met a lady named Jeanette. She is so sweet. When we came back after giving her the Book of Mormon she had read from page 1 until page 143. She told us that now she was starting to understand. Even this Sunday she came to church along with her Landlord Esther Mbata who is actually a member of the Jericho church we went to last week.
Max is one of our investigators who is on date for the 27 September. He is so sweet, and he's from Zimbabwe. He got a peace job on Saturday. A peace job is a job someone just picks up on the streets. Like maybe they will be hired for a quick job that may take a day or 2 like painting or fixing something. Well Max was asked to come back to finish the job on Sunday and he agreed. When we spoke to him on Saturday night he told us this, but then told us that he decided not to go back. He told us that he knows Sunday is the day to remember Jesus Christ. I was so happy to see him put the Lord first. His attitude was that he would be able to find another job. Once again, I love Zimbabwean. Things are going really well here in Daveyton, once again I feel like I want to stay here for a long time. There were so many wonderful things that went on this past week. I wish I could write about all of them, but I have to limit it somewhere.
Last night I had this weird dream that I was back home and I was sad. I had finished my mission, but I was sad because I had left my friends, and family that I have made here in Africa. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father sent me to this wonderful land of Africa amongst this wonderful people.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (31 August 2009)

This past week has been great as always. Elder Simmonds and I put together our 4 months goals. We have planned to baptize 10 in September 10 in October 7 in November and 3 in December for a total of 30 baptisms for our area. We are going to try to shoot hard for our goal.
One thing I've figured that I must learn from mission is how to recognize and have the courage to follow the spirit. Because Elder Simmonds and I walk around everywhere I have many promptings a day to stop and talk to people. Sometimes I follow the prompting and other times I put it off for one reason or another. Sometimes I say to myself that we don't have time, that we have to make it to our next appointment. As I think about this excuse I find it not to be reasonable. Really I don't like to give any excuses. I don't want to be the kind of father who will say no son I have to get this finished. So I figure I need to put most important things first. If the spirit is directing me to talk to someone then I must no matter what because that is what Heavenly Father wants me to do. Listening to the spirit and following it right away is what I must do to lead this area for that is how Bishops and Stake Presidents and any leader of the church works. I have been called to receive revelation for missionary work in Daveyton so I must follow the spirit for it to work properly. I don't know if I'm putting this right for you to understand but the main point is follow the spirit's promptings.
Many times when I follow the spirit or that prompting I get I find some really sweet people. We met a young man named Jabulani as I felt prompted to tract a specific area. When we finished lesson 1 with him we asked him if he had any questions. He then asked us how he could become a member of our church. Elder Simmonds was so surprized with his question that he didn't understand what he was saying. We put Jabulani on date for the 27 of September 2009. Peter the prophet is coming along. He submits to what we commit him to do. He is just weird, I think he has a certain problem but I think he will be a great member as he continues to learn from us. He loved the talk by President Eyring entitled Man Down. We used this talk to help him see the power of the priesthood in helping others.
We had our Stake Conference this past Sunday. President Armstrong, president of the Johannesburg temple spoke to us. I really like his talk because he talked about temples. He said that if we can not enjoy or feel comfortable in the house of the Lord here on the Earth then how do we expect to live in his kingdom after this life. He also stated that as we do work to save souls we are receiving salvation ourselves because we will be forgiven of our sins. Before we went to conference we had the opportunity to go to an African church. We were only able to stay for about an hour so we were only able to listen to the choirs but it was so nice. I love African gospel music. Just before we left the pastor stood up and recognized us for coming. He called us forward to receive our blessings and he shook our hands. It was quite sweet. He said to the congregation that us visiting them was proof that the church was a holy place. I guess our investigators that we went with told the pastor or somebody else let the pastor know that we were leaving. It was quite interesting that the pastor would recognize us like that, we're just missionaries. We were however the only white people there so that might have been part of it.
Elder Simmonds is such a sweet Elder. On the 27 August 2009 he gave me a holiday, it was Happy Elder Lane Day. He made me breakfast (French Toast) polished my shoes, ironed my shirt, and told me that I could not do my dishes. His service really cheered me up and helped me to be happy. I love my companion.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (24 August 2009)

Well I found out this week that staying in the flat all day is not fun. I’ve stayed in the flat all day before but this time was not fun at all. I was sick and had a fever of 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday. I just slept all day except for towards the night when I got up to write in my journal and to do a little study. Going out to work the next day felt so nice. This work truly is a blessing in my life that will carry on when I go home.
We baptized a young man named Ishmael on Sunday. He is so sweet. He has really changed his life over. He was telling us how grateful he was for his grandmother for helping him come to church and change his life. He’s becoming a sweet young man.
As I studied this past week I found a sweet parallel between Christ’s atonement and the Fall of Adam and Eve. Was it good that the Jews killed Christ? No it wasn’t, but it was very important that it happened. Was it good that Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden fruit? No it wasn’t, but it was very important that they did. Also as I prepared for our District Meeting, and delivered it I found something that we find often as we meet new people. For District meeting we read the story of Lamoni found in Alma 18. I think it is in verse 5 where it says that the people believed that they could do whatever they wanted and it was right. Well in the same verse it showed that they didn’t really believe that, or at least Lamoni didn’t because it said he feared lest he had done something wrong. Many times in this work people will say things that they “believe.” It’s not, however, what they really believe it just sounds good therefore they accept it, but when it comes down to it they don’t believe. Like one thing is that everyone says that there is one God and many churches when in reality they have felt at one point in time that there is one that is right. I think I’ve mentioned this before in an email, that people don’t really believe this, they just say it to try and make everyone feel good where they are.
On Saturday we did a Mormon Helping Hands project with some of the other wards in the stake. We helped to improve the state of an orphanage. We paved cement, made a garden painted walls and many other things. It was really sweet to help others especially because I was able to see President Hodgskin and his wife, and also the Sokos. They were some people from my first area in Secunda. It was funny because Sister Hodgskin said that it looked like I lost some weight. It’s probably because we are working so hard here, walking everywhere and having to sleep without eating sometimes. Don’t worry, I’m not dieing, just sometimes there’s more important things than food.
We just got a sweet haircut from some Indian people today. They do a real nice job, and even give you a cool head massage after the job is done and give you a wicked spike. I wish I had these guys my whole mission. It’s only R20, and that’s only like 3 dollars or so. Things get hard sometimes in the work of the Lord but I know that if I turn to Him then He will help. I love my savior, the scriptures are so good to me, and I love my family.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (17 August 2009)

I love my mission. Every week there is something new to learn and to experience. One of our families we are teaching committed to be baptized in the true church if they found out the Book of Mormon is true. They are the Ngqezas. They really feel the spirit as we teach them. They understand well and should be coming to church next Sunday. The mother's name is Yaliwe and the father is Bheki. We will be seeing them tonight to see how they felt when they read and prayed about the Book of Mormon.
We put another person on date as well. His name is Max, and he is Fortunate's younger brother. This past Sunday was his second time coming to church. He committed to be baptized on the 20 September 2009 if he finds out the Book of Mormon and church are true. I think he will be a major help in motivating his sister to come to church. Fortunate has still not come to church once.
Itayi and Memory came to church for their second time. They are stars. Both them and Max are from Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean people are such a humble and spiritually in tune people. I am quite confident that the 3 of them will make their dates. Itayi and Max are friends anyways, they knew each other before we met them. Oh yeah Itayi had a birthday on Saturday. He turned 26. He has never received a present so Elder Simmonds and I put a nice present together for him. He was speechless, he didn't know what to say. Sometimes I'm afraid to give my heart to people because I'm afraid they won't be a part of the Gospel. It's not that they have to become a member for me to be their friend, but it's just not what I'm here for. I'm not here to make friends, but to help people be converted to the gospel.
I had an experience this past Saturday where one of our appointments was not home. It was around 8:20 pm and the thought came to me to call the other Elders to tell them that we were ready to be picked up whenever they were. As I thought though, I realized that that was not right, and I decided we would continue to work. (Elder Simmonds is so sweet because he is pretty much up to anything.) We went to check a guy named Isaac and as we went I saw a house that I was impressed to go to but passed by thinking in my head that we would go after checking Isaac. As we continued to walk I continued to think. I realized that I was prompted at the time I was prompted for a reason and that it was the spirit guiding me, so we turned back. We knocked on the door and a man named Forward welcomed us in. We were able to teach him and his family the Restoration. They accepted it well, were pleased that we came and even set a return appointment. They are in a transition, the wife Norma will be having a child soon. It's interesting how the spirit was ready to guide me when I was ready to do what was right. We must learn to follow promptings otherwise we will never recognize the spirit.
We had a young man named Ishmael interviewed for baptism. He is 17 and lives with his grandmother, Gogo Tembe, who is a member of the church. He can't read so Elder Simmonds and I are doing our best to help him, and he is progressing well in that. He is gaining confidence and is coming out of his shell. He is going to be a great young man. Even before he started coming to church he had made changes in his life for the better. I hope that we would all more perfectly fight to learn gospel truths the way we would fight for air if we were drowning. There is no end to knowledge.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (11 August 2009)

Itayi and Memory, a couple we have been teaching, ran into some troubles this past week. Their Landlord sold their shack they were living in right from under them. He had them move all their stuff out and then the new owner came to take it away. When we went to see them that day, it being Saturday, Memory was sitting on their little sofa outside and Itayi was at the foundation of the shack picking some stuff up from the ground. It was amazing to see the faith they had. They didn’t seem to worry much or even be mad at the landlord.
We had a couple new people at church this past week. Sandra finally came to church, and seemed to really enjoy it. I really think that she will accept a baptismal date soon, and that her husband Arthur will follow her footsteps. Also we had an investigator named Winnie who came to church she also seemed to enjoy her visit.
I’ve found that many times when people are asking stupid questions, and are saying they don’t understand they really do want to understand. We met a family, and the brother to the family, Isaac, seems to be really interested. We visited them twice this week and on the second visit he asked a lot of questions. He had issues with Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon focusing on him. We kept telling him that the book was about Christ but he didn’t understand that until I finally had him open it and follow along as I read passages from it. Isaac finally understood and wanted us to come back. He believes that we might be able to help him see the truth, and sees that we are true servants of the Lord. He told us that we are not like other people who will get mad when they ask questions and leave. He goes to an Old Apostolic church with his family. The rest of his family doesn’t really understand English well.
On Tuesday we had Mission Tour and were able to listen to Elder Bricknell speak to us. It was very nice to hear from him. During the conference he asked me to stand up and give a 3 minute lesson 1. I was a little nervous for I was giving it in from of missionaries older and younger than me who already know it themselves. I stubbled a little bit, but was able to punch it hard at the end with the spirit when I actually felt and remember that what I was sharing was the truth. Sister Bricknell told us missionaries that we need to smile more. When we show our smiles people will be more willing to listen to us.
On Sunday we had about half an hour of no appointments so we did some tracting to take up the time. The first house we knock on an old Baba let us in. We shared the Restoration with him. My attitude during that lesson changed from just giving information to trying to help this Baba receive salvation. We committed him to baptism, but he did not accept it at first, he still wanted to ask us questions. We told him that he needed to ask God if this was true and knelt down with him so he would ask. He didn’t but didn’t ask if Joseph Smith was a prophet. He told us that he didn’t know enough. He wanted something more to read about him so we introduced the Book of Mormon to him. He committed to reading it, and wanted us to come back so we could explain some things to him. We shall see him today. I’m trying my best to keep myself centered around the missionary purpose, and as I do this I find great joy!


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (3 August 2009)

The work goes up and down all the time here for me. Elder Simmonds and I are determined to find Father-Led-Families. This means no more teaching families without the father present. This can be so hard here in South Africa. We find and teach a lot of woman. Many fathers get plastered with alcohol, I guess it's a way they try to escape the poverty. Even many homes are just old Gogos with their daughters and grandchildren. Culture is also a challenge. There is always a funeral on Sunday, and many people believe in their ancestors. The funny thing is that they only believe in ancestors because their parents taught them to believe in them. The second of the ten commandments speaks of the third and forth generations experiencing the effects of false traditions. The scriptures are so true.
We had a wonderful lesson with Arthur and Sandra. We testified of the truthfulness of the Joseph Smith and of the church, and asked Arthur to kneel with us and pray to ask Heavenly Father if Joseph Smith is a true prophet. He prayed in his language so I'm not sure exactly what he said but both of them felt the spirit. Sandra even said that she felt her heart beat in and out of her chest. She said she didn't know why she felt that way but we were sure to tell her it was the spirit. Arthur said that the way he felt was the reason to why he always enjoys us coming over. They didn't come to church this Sunday, they are too attached to their church. They just have to take that leap of faith and visit our church and they will experience the greatest joy ever. We must go through the darkness before we will be able to see the light.
During my studies this past week my thoughts were brought to one of the baptisms I performed on the 26 July 2009. Her name was Esther, the water was cold and she was having a hard time going under. Just before he last time I baptized her she was telling me that she couldn't do it, she couldn't bring herself back up. I told her that she shouldn't worry for I would bring her back up. I told her that she just has to trust me. As I pondered on this exchange of words I received great insight. We can not do it if we trust in ourselves. We must turn our trust to the Savior. If we do not we will not be able to come back up. Baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true baptism spoken of is Ephesians 4:5. The person performing the baptism must have the authority for they are acting in place of Jesus Christ or under direction of Him to bring the child of God out of the depths of death If there is no authority then it does not work, it is not Christ bringing you up out of the water it is someone else, it is merely a man. I don't know if you got the depth, and power that I felt as I realized how symbolic baptism really is. It was a very spiritual moment for me during that study. I know this church is true.
I had the wonderful experience of interviewing an awesome lady for baptism. When I asked her what made her believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet she began to tell me his story and how he received answers from God. I then clarified my question and asked her, “How do you know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet?” She then told me that she had prayed, and as she explained she began to cry. The tears that fell were tears of joy. She was feeling it once again. She related that she was a little surprised when she got the answer because she had never felt it before, but she was happy. I love my mission and the great people I am able to meet here.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (27 July 2009)
It’s so weird; ever since I came to Daveyton I’ve had some sort of sickness whether it is a soar throat or a runny nose. Something is always bothering me, maybe it’s just because it is winter, I don’t know. My stomach is bothering me right now even as I type, it’s annoying, and I just want to go to sleep so it will go away. This will pass so it’s not that big of a deal don’t worry.
Last Monday we told Peter the prophet that he wasn’t a prophet. He didn’t like that so much but took it pretty well. He still thinks he is a prophet, and still enjoys our visits. As of Sunday he has come to church 3 times in a row. He is on date, but if he doesn’t truly realize he is not a prophet he is not going to be baptized. We can’t have false prophets in the true church.
Enoch and Gloria are still not married, and are not even progressing that well. They haven’t been to church in a while. If something doesn’t change they will not be baptized on the 23 August 2009. They always enjoy our teaching appointments but they just don’t come to church. Maybe we will have to go to their house at 7:00 in the morning and wake them up to come. I don’t know.
Fortunate is one of our investigators from Zimbabwe. We had a really cool visit with her this past week. She hasn’t been to church yet because she lives quite a distance away, has a child, and has asthma. During our visit she asked us if she could go to the Celestial Kingdom if she continued to listen to the truth from us but not come to church. Elder Simmonds used that question to nicely slide into our next discussion, The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We told her that through Christ and through following his gospel we could live with God. Fortunate thanked us for the visits and told us that ever since we have been seeing her she has been having a better life.
Arthur continues to slowly ease into the truth. We set an appointment with him on Tuesday. I remembered that he has church things that night so I asked him if it would still be alright because that is the time we set aside for him. He told us if we came then he wouldn’t go to his other churches activity. Even he told us to come early so that we would have enough time to discuss. Sandra his wife knows the Book of Mormon is true and said she will be coming to church next week. Arthur is still praying, I think he has received an answer already he just might not realize it. We read Mormon 8 with him and his older brother Vusi was present. He was asking all these questions and saying the Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible. I turned to Arthur and asked him, “From what you have read of the Book of Mormon Arthur have you seen any contradictions?” and he said “no.” That was sweet. I then told Vusi that I wanted to continue with reading the Book of Mormon. The next verses talked about those who condemn the word of God, and the Book of Mormon. Eesh, that was a little weird.
Tony finally came to church with Gogo Lidia. I was so happy when I saw him come. I hope he will continue to come every week. We also had a new investigator come. Her name is Esnath. We have only taught her the first little bit of Lesson 1, and that was probably over 10 days ago, but she still came. We went to walk with her to church and she was boiling water so that she could bath. Later on we saw her enter the chapel, and that was really cool.
We had 7 baptisms for the Daveyton ward this past Sunday; Maria, Sibongile, and Katlego from our side and 4 others from the Zone Leader’s side of town. I baptized Maria and Esther, from the Zone Leader’s side. Esther was a little scared and the water was freezing so it took her a couple times to go under all the way. She is the only one that I have had to re-baptize because of not going under all the way. Also Elder Simmonds had his first baptism ever when he baptized Katlego. He did it perfectly. Things are going great here, it’s just that people don’t progress exactly as I would like. Thank you for reading.
Elder Lane

Dear Family, (20 July 2009)

Well my new companion is Elder Simmonds from Bountiful, Utah. He is a pretty sweet Elder. Its great training him because he is willing to do things the right way. Also it is a little bit easier to do things the right way with him here. Every morning and night that we have been companions we have prayed together which really brings unity. Missionaries are always praying but I wanted to get in the habit of praying with someone every morning right after awaking and every night just before bed that way I will be more ready for a sweet marriage. Also he is excited for the work, and has righteous desires.
One of our investigators named Vuyiswa was planning to move to Nelspruit. I knew it would not be good for her because she probably wouldn’t be able to stay close to the missionaries up there. There had been several times where she said she would be leaving but then the people never came for her. Well it happened that she told us that on the 16 she would for sure be gone. I prayed one night that she wouldn’t go so that she would be able to keep her baptismal date and continue to progress. She isn’t progressing the fastest that’s why I wanted her to stay. I’m happy to report that she did stay. I told her I prayed that she would stay because I felt it would be best and she was a little mad at me. Hopefully she will be baptized on the 16th of August 2009.
I had a sweet baptismal interview this past week. The baptismal candidate was an older man of the age of around 50. His name is Christopher and he is from Zimbabwe, Ndebele speaking. He has been here since December of last year trying to find a job to provide for his family. He hasn’t found much success in that. He lives in a little shack, isn’t able to pay for electricity and is skipping meals so that his mealie will last him. His spiritual strength is his powerhouse though. We had a reactivation activity on Sunday after church and he came. He’s not even a member and yet he is helping to reactivate the less-actives. He’s been to church ever since the missionaries first found him. He will be baptized on the 26th of July 2009 along with 3 of our investigators, Maria, Sibongile and Katlego.
Our YSA branch just received a new branch mission leader. His name is Dave and he is sweet. He has really been able to get his life on track. He even came teaching with us on Friday. He has a lot of excitement and is ready to help the branch grow. We are going to start scheduling all our YSA investigators on Fridays so that Dave can meet them.
One of our new Father-Led-Families is pretty sweet. The couple is Arthur and Sandra. Sandra told us that before she met us she knew that we were good people. Both of them believe and know the Book of Mormon is true. The only problem is they haven’t had a real strong witness from the Holy Ghost that it is true. They are still a little fixed on their church or at least Arthur is. They are wonderful people. When we tried setting another appointment to see them Arthur said that we could even come the next day. That is one of the greatest things to hear as a missionary, someone inviting you to come everyday. Another couple is Antonio and Angelina. They are struggling a little bit with their old church, the Jehovah’s Witness, but we are still working with them. Just this past night I showed them that their, “perfect,” Bible did not contain all the scriptures that normal Bibles have. When I showed them that, they really started thinking.
It amazes me sometimes how I can do the same thing over and over again every week. It amazes me how I can keep the mission schedule as close as I have been over and over again every day. The Lord truly sets His servants apart and gives them power and authority. I’m living with a very good missionary named Elder Brereton who will be going home in about 4 weeks. To see him increase his efforts as it gets closer to his end helps me to stay on track and to look into the future a little bit. I don’t want to regret not giving it my all. We had sometime waiting for the other missionaries and I didn’t feel so good just waiting. As soon as I thought of my purpose I got up and walked to where people would be passing and tried to talk and share what I could. I am already a reserved person, but I continue to try to share what I can which makes me feel good. Sometimes as missionaries you want to be lazy. We usually get fed after church on Sundays and we always joke about how it’s nap time. When I really think about it napping would not make me happy because it is not fulfilling my purpose. The only way to have true happiness on a mission to is strive your best to fulfilling your calling and “…invite others to come unto Christ.” I love my mission.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (13 July 2009)
It’s so hard writing these things. I have to pick and choose what I tell you guys about because there is always so much that goes on. We received transfer news this past week. Elder Leve is moving on to be a district leader in Bedfordview. His area is Bedfordview/Edenvale. I was called to be a trainer again. I will be getting a new missionary from the Provo MTC. I am quite excited, I hope this time I will really be able to train though. I’m a little overwhelmed just because there are so many things I want to make sure I teach him. Elder Shumpert was called to be the new Assistant to the President. Elder Belnap will be staying in the flat up until October which will probably be when I leave, but we shall see.
We had 16 new investigators this past week. I’ll speak of a few of them. We have a lady named Nthabiseng who we met. She is really cool we met her while following up on someone that we tracted into whom she is friends with. We’ve only seen her twice but she has really opened up to us tell us her problems and issues. We are hoping she will come to church so that we can introduce her to the Bishop. The other investigator I want to talk about is Mzwandile. He is awesome. I guess Elder Leve and Elder Stoker had spoken to him before I got here, and recently he came up to us and asked us why we never saw him. Well we set an appointment with him. He has a drinking problem and smoking problem which is not a secret because he was drunk when we spoke to him; we had the second thought of by passing him, but decided to set a time. He told us he wants to change but he hasn’t been able to get the right help from other churches. As we taught him he told us he was searching for the truth. He was not home for our next appointment so we were a little sad. Later on in the week though we walked by his house and spoke to him briefly. He told us he was reading the Book of Mormon. He told us he read about Joseph Smith seeing Moroni. We asked if he prayed about it and he told us he did and that he believes it is true. Sadly neither of these new investigators were at church.
The rest of Shadracks famly, except for his son, came to church this past Sunday which was awesome. They too only came for the first hour but it’s progress. For some reason Shadrack did not come. A “prophet” who we met on Saturday visited our church today. He is a pretty cool guy. When we found him we found him at a Sangoma’s house. As I started chatting with him he invited us in to share. As we shared he listened intently. We were only able to teach about prophets but he set a return appointment with us. He seemed to really enjoy church. Also we had another Portuguese couple come to church for the first time. They didn’t understand much unless someone spoke in Zulu. I gave the lady, Julia a Portuguese Book of Mormon that I had so that she could have something to understand while sitting at sacrament meeting. It appeared that she read quite a bit of it. All in all we had 8 new people come to church. If people would just come consistently things would be perfect.
We had the best lesson ever with Enoch and Gloria. Bishop Mokoena, the former Bishop, came teaching them with us on Sunday. We taught them about Eternal Marriage. They really want to get married. The only thing stopping them from doing that though is that Enoch does not want to offend Gloria’s family by not paying Lebola for her. He doesn’t have a lot of money for Lebola (like most people here) which is 18 cows. That’s not the set amount but I guess that’s what Gloria’s parents want. Bishop Mokoena was able to speak to them about different things they could do. He even told us he would be willing to help negotiate with the parents. Gloria and Enoch are grown people but this culture thing can be hard. Bishop Mokoena is a marriage officer so he’s had a lot of experience with helping people get past the culture. He is so awesome; he even invited to pick them up for Family Home Evening tonight at his house, and Enoch and Gloria accepted. Bishop Mokoena thanked us for inviting him to come with us. I could see he was excited and happy as I was when I went teaching with the missionaries back home. Missionary Minded Members are awesome. There is great joy awaiting those who are ready to act.
Elder Lane

Dear Family, (6 July 2009)

This past week we've spent a lot of time teaching which has been really fun. We've had a total of 34 member present lessons. We have actually been tight on time as we've taught. We've had to shorten lessons to make sure we can walk to our next appointment on time. The only exception has been Sunday. We had 7 appointments and 6 of them fell through. I was quite sad. Missionary life is helping me to know what kind of member I want to be when I get home. I see how very important missionary work is. Every aspect of this gospel has to do with it. If every member would act like the missionaries they really are then things would go really well all over the world. I love this service, there is so much to learn.
Our visit with George was quite interesting this past week. A Jehovah's Witness joined us for the lesson, his name is Perry. We actually met him a while back. He was knocking on George's door when we came for our appointment. We knew who Perry was, and I thought I'd just ask him if we could share. He told us there was no point in that. Inspired words then came from my mouth. I told him that there would be a point because either he is going to the right church or we are. We then shared briefly about the Restoration. Perry showed interest in discussing more so we told him he could visit with us again when we came to see George. Well he came on Saturday and just listened as we shared the Plan of Salvation with George. Perry did not say a word, but did open to the Bible verses we shared. After the lesson he said he had question, but he would ask them later when we had more time. We will see Perry again on Friday with George. Maybe we met George because it would be through him we would meet Perry. We shall see.
We met another wonderful Portugues speaking family. They had actually been going to the Jehovah's Witness church but did not seem to know a lot about it. As we shared lesson one working through Nkululeko who could speak with them in Zulu, they felt the spirit. They at first didn't believe but then we were able to explain prophets to them in a simple way in which they could see that they were necesary and important. The father, Antonio prayed about our message and felt really good. He believes the church is true, and so does his wife Angel. We put them along with their 2 daughters on baptismal date. The one is 9 and the other is 7 but will turn 8 by the date. We watched the Restoration dvd with them in Portugues. I didn't really understand the language, but they did and they felt the spirit. It was wonderful though because as we watched I felt the spirit bear powerful witness to me once again that Joseph Smith really did see God and Jesus Christ and that he is a true prophet who restored Jesus Christ's one and only true church.
Prayers have been answered this past week. Shadrack came to church with his Bible and Book of Mormon in hand. I was so glad to see him. I was a little disappointed thought because I didn't see him after the first class. I never saw him in Sacrament meeting. His progress in the Lord's kingdom is in Heavenly Father's hands. I hope that Shadrack has received an answer to his prayers. We will have to see come Wednesday. Alfred, who is another Portugues speaker came to church as well. We have been teaching him and his wife with the help of Nkululeko. I'm not really sure if it's his wife though. It's hard to tell sometimes here in South Africa. People will live together forever and not be married but call each other husband and wife. Alfred stayed for all of church and said he really liked it. He said he will continue to come and that his wife will come next week as well. We now have 22 on date to be baptized. I'm hoping and praying that, we as a companionship, will be able to help these fine spirits come to church, gain testimonies, and then seal the deal with baptism, and continue faithfully. The Lord's work is not always easy but it is worth it. Let us keep the faith!


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (29 June 2009)

I had quite an interesting learning experience this past week. The part in the white handbook where it says our loyalty is first to the Lord took on new meaning for me. Now that I am a mission leader I realize that just because one is authorized by a mission leader to be able to do something doesn't mean one should do it. I learned this by way of my own mistake. I allowed something which probably shouldn't have been allowed. I felt guilty about it and pondered what I had done. Luckily before we had totally wasted kilometers to go do what I allowed I took back my authorization and felt good in so doing. Loyalty to the Lord.
Enoch and Gloria are progressing well. We taught them about the word of wisdom. When we told them that the Lord commanded us not to drink coffee and tea Gloria slipped out a “woops” and Enoch said that there would no longer be found coffee and tea in his home. When we asked them if they had any they showed us their tea bags. We then asked them if we could throw them away for them and they happily agreed. We all had a good time laughing about their silly sin which they realized was wrong, and which they were so willing to let go.
Elder Leve and I were getting a little worried about Shadrack and his family just because when we tried setting a return appointment with them Shadrack said he would talk to his wife and then let us know. Usually when people do that they mean they don't care to see us again especially when we've only just met them. Well a couple days later as we were doing our work we passed Shadrack's home and he was out replacing a light bulb. We asked him if he had found a time for us to see his family again and thankfully he said we could come Wednesday evening. We shall see what will commence with this family, hopefully good things for we put 2 of them on date for baptism.
We found a couple really nice new investigators this week. We found an old man named George and saw him 3 times. He is an interesting character. He repeats a lot of phrases as we teach to express that he understands. He often says things like “is it!” and “that's right, that's the thing.” It's quite funny. He also raises and lowers his eyebrows too. On Sunday morning we went to pick him up to walk with him to church and he was outside his house preparing to go to the mall. I was a little disappointed but didn't lose all hope. I asked him if he would come to church for just an hour and he agreed to do so. Well George ended up coming and stayed for the whole 3 hours and even stayed an hour after to witness our baptismal service. We was fellowshipped well. One of the old Bishops, Bishop Mokoena sat next to him during Sacrament meeting.
Nkululeko, the recent convert that comes teaching with us everyday is awesome. On Sunday morning he went to Sophie and Queen's home to walk with them to church. They ended up catching taxis to church and paid for Nkululeko to come with them. Queen didn't come because she had to stay home for some reason but another family member who has been present for our lessons with them came. Her name is Betty. During the week when we taught them Sophie told us that she had prayed about the Joseph Smith and that she had felt good about it. These investigators were also fellowshipped well. Sister Mathebula who referred us to them sat with them during Sacrament meeting. The Daveyton ward is so awesome.
We've also been teaching a woman named Simphiwe. We found her through Sibongile and Maria. Simphiwe's daughter is usually present when we teach Sibongile and has come to church often. We finally realized out of all the kids that are present for those lessons that she wasn't a part of the family but just a friend. The friends name is Lusanda and she stays nearby to the Nkhosi family. We taught her mother about the Restoration and she asked good questions. We definitely felt the spirit. When we came for our second visit Simphiwe told us that her and her husband had not intention in joining our church. I just kind of brushed it off and said alright and then we proceeded to watch the Restoration dvd. After watching it Simphiwe said that Joseph Smith was a prophet. The spirit bore witness to her as she watched that it was true. She didn't however know what it meant that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I brought up then how she said she had no intention of join our church and I told her that if Joseph Smith was a true prophet then that means our church is the one and only true church of Jesus Christ. We then committed her to praying about these things again and she agreed to do so. She hadn't before but now she said that she saw the great importance of doing it.
Great things are happening here in Daveyton. I love it. The only downside is the coal smoke that comes from the tile floored, brick walled homes. Daveyton's coal smoke at night is like the fog we sometimes get back home in the mornings or at night time. The only problem is that smoke is not good to breath in, and I maybe getting sick from it. I don't know why it is so bad. I guess they don't know how to burn coal or they are just doing it to make it burn slowly. I don't know but it definitely is not healthy. Thanks for reading.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (22 June 2009)

I want to give you guys a little better idea of what kind of work is going on here. Elder Leve, Elder Belnap, Elder Brereton and I are all working in the Daveyton ward area. Elder Belnap and Brereton have 29 investigators on date for baptism and Elder Leve and I have 10. The Lords work is booming. My ultimate goal here is to have as much success as the Zone Leaders. There is no reason not to for we are working with the same ward and people. One of the things Elder Leve and I have instituted which we have seen the Zone Leaders do is letting people know what’s up from the very beginning. We are putting them on date early on in the teaching process. This helps our investigators see what we are really about and gives them a goal and reason to change their lives.
We had 2 baptisms on Sunday. Faith January and Nombulelo Tshaka were both baptized into the singles branch. I haven’t gotten to know them a whole lot since I’ve been here but I’m pleased to see them get baptized.
There is a rise in missionary work and that rise is a result of working with members. I think that is the ultimate thing that will cause a rise in missionary work actually and it will work anywhere and everywhere. Before it use to just be asking for referrals but now it is becoming more of a team effort. Members are popping up here and there with people to teach. If we will, as missionaries, open our eyes we will see new people right in front of us as we are teaching who are ready to change.
We met a really cool and humble Zimbabwean family who seems just perfect. Their names are Brilliant and Fortunate. They are a referral from Sister Mathebula. (She has also given us another one named Sophie and Queen. I don’t know if I have mentioned them before. If they work out good then you will probably here about them again.) They are not from around here so they didn’t know which church to go to. Luckily we were able to come to their door at their somewhat prolonged time of confusion. Unfortunately they were not able to come to church on Sunday. I think something Elder Leve and I will have to do is set appointments for Saturday to try and get key investigators to church. If we see them on this day then they won’t have a lot of time to forget.
We also started teaching a recent convert’s daughter. The recent convert is Nomsa and the daughter is Minky. For the longest time Minky has not been interested in church. On Sunday though after we had been talking to her she realized that she needed to try and fix things with her mom and just come to church. After she realized that she then told herself that she would come to church because she wanted to, not just because her mom wanted her to. She decided to have a good time at church and she did. This past Sunday was her first time visiting our church and she said she is coming back.
The work here is awesome and I love it. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the faith that what you have planned will work out. Sometimes it’s hard to get your hopes up about people and to keep it up. Sometimes it’s hard to keep investigators progressing. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a smile and be happy. Sometimes it’s hard, everything, but it’s totally worth it when you see the Lord bring it all together for you.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (15 June 2009)

I'm starting to realize how grand the spirit really is. I'm striving harder to help my investigators feel it at every appointment, and to help them see that they need to feel it on their own as well. We had an experience with a lady named Sibongile. She is a non member sister to one of our recent-converts named Nkululeko. We strived hard to see her even just for a few minutes. After sharing I came to a realization that perhaps you shouldn't just share with anyone at anytime. I wanted to help Sibongile feel the spirit but she was just too preoccupied with time. I wanted her experience with missionaries to be powerful but she just wasn't focussed very much. Oh well perhaps she said she will come around, it's just not her time or maybe something will happen that I don't know. The Spirit is the key.
3 of our investigators came to church for the fist time on Sunday. Enoch and Gloria, a boy friend and girl friend who are living together came for the first time. We were very happy to see them walking towards us in the chapel. They seemed to have a wonderful time. Vuyiswa, a Young Single Adult who lives on Nkululeko's street, also came. Earlier in the week we had put her on baptismal date for the 26 of July. She told us that she felt good feeling when she prayed about Joseph Smith. When she gets baptized there will be 3 YSA from Nkululeko's street who will be members.
Nkululeko is a young man who was just baptized on the 31 May 2009. He is awesome. He practically comes teaching with us all day everyday. He loves it so much, and is learning a lot as he shares the gospel with our investigators. We let him share little things here and there, and if an investigator feels more comfortable speaking Zulu then they will talk to him, and he will tell us what's up. Members are just a great asset to the work. Do you guys remember the guy in the wheel chair named Michael? I'm pretty sure I wrote about him. Well we taught him this past week and he ate up every part of the Restoration that we fed him. He sees the confusion and desires to know more.
We knocked on a sweet door on Saturday. We thought it was a friend of Nkululeko's but it wasn't, it was better. The home was a home of a Methodist father and his family. The father's name is Shadrack. He can't speak very well because he had his voice box removed because of cancer. When we told him that we were missionaries he let us right in. We asked his daughter, Busi if she wanted to join us but she said no. As Shadrack went to grab his Bible I thought to myself "This can be a Father-Led-Family, let me try Busi again." I went back to where Busi was watching t.v. and told her that we would love for her to join us. I also told her we wouldn't be long. She then decided to join us. It was so awesome. Shadrack is a very smart man. He saw the need for prophets, and for the true church. He told us that he knew a lot about our church, and that his twin brother had been going to our church but other then that we don't know too much about his back ground with the church. I'd really like to know what's going on in his brain and spirit. He and Busi both understood and accepted to pray about Joseph Smith. When we finished Shadrack told us with his small raspy voice that he was pleased. As Nkululeko, Elder Leve and I bore testimony of the Restoration we could feel the spirit present.
We have 3 more put on date this week so that makes 9 in total. If we get all these ones baptized by the end of August then that means we will only need to find and baptize 8 more people to make our goal of 20 baptisms by the end of August. I'm very excited for we already have potential for baptismal date such as Enoch and Gloria. The culture and traditions can be a hard wall for the gospel in peoples lifes. In African culture you need to pay Lebola if you want to get married. The man will need to give money or cows to the woman's family before he can marry her and if he doesn't then it is a shame. That is the barrier that Enoch and Gloria are facing. When you have many people living in poor conditions it can take years before someone can save enough money. That could be the reason for some of the troubles here in Africa, I don't know. Well truly the Spirit is the key, and I am learning to use it upon the hearts of the people more. I love it. This church is so true, I feel it many times when I teach about it.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (8 June 2009)

It's been a little weird going into another area after being in Dobsonville for 7 months. I am once again in a 4 man flat. We are living with the Zone leaders. We work in the same town, Daveyton. The Zone leaders are using a car and Elder Leve and I are on bikes. If I stay here for 3 transfers then I will have been in a biking area for 17 months. That is pretty crazy for being in a mission that has more cars than any other mission in the world. Our section of Daveyton is a little slow compared to my last area and way slow for some reason compared to the Zone Leaders area. They have 27 people on date for baptism. We have 7. They had 15 at church and we had 5. Our area covers a singles branch and a family ward. The ward is quite big, the biggest I have worked in here in South Africa. I am quite excited to see what I can do to help this area improve. Elder Leve is a pretty cool guy. He's been out for about 11 months now. This is his second area. He is from Tennessee. We get along well now, and I'm sure it will continue, he's a hard worker.
We met a Father-Led-Family the end of this week. The family had been meeting with the Jehovah's witnesses for a couple months. We were welcomed in the house because we were actually looking for the son. When we asked the mother if we could share she denied us. She said she had a fight with her neighbor or something. I sat down and just made myself comfortable. I told the mother that she needed us to share with her so she could feel better. She eventually let us. We read 3 Nephi 11 with them and explained the story to them. They listened intently. I could see in their face that they were feeling the spirit. The mother said she was confused because she hadn't heard of Christ going to America, but she wasn't being argumentative about it. They asked some questions and we were able to show them from the Bible that Christ spoke of other sheep that he would visit. The family, mother, father, and a granddaughter all accepted what we taught. We asked them to pray about the Book of Mormon and they said they would. The mother, Tryphina, said she would pray that night. This place has a lot of potential.
Alright I forgot to tell a story from Dobsonville last week. We were teaching a woman named Dimakatso for the second time. As we were about to share the Book of Mormon she told us that she didn't want to hear learn about it. She didn't even want to hear about Joseph Smith anymore. All she wanted to hear about was Jesus and the Bible. We came to share about the truth, not just the Bible so we were getting ready to leave. We were getting a little frustrated too with her childish arguments so we decided to closed with a prayer. As Elder Rajohanesa closed with a pray I had the spirit speak to me. It was telling me to just share the Bible with her. As this thought came to me I fought it a little in my head saying, “What if I can't help her understand. What if I won't be able to find the scriptures she needs.” We had run into a lady before who just wanted to hear the Bible and so we left her with a prayer as well. I remember leaving her place and thinking we should have just shared the Bible with her if that's what she wants. Well this time I wasn't going to have that feeling again. When Elder Rajohanesa closed his prayer I said out loud, “Well actually we'll share the Bible if that's what you want.” My object in sharing the Bible was to help her understand Christ's ministry, the need for authority, and the apostasy better. If she didn't want to hear about the Book of Mormon then obviously she didn't understand the other things. As I read the truths plainly found in the Bible she saw that things made sense. She even admitted to us that she was confused about all the churches. She agreed to having us over again. She wanted us to teach her how to pray. I don't know how it's going with her now. The last time I saw her was the appointment we had after that visit, and she wasn't even able to see us that day anyway. Have faith, work hard, and follow the spirit and you will be happy. A missionary can not get discouraged, there is no time for that and plus it sucks when you get discouraged anyway. Faith is the answer, and being happy is the answer. I know this work is true!


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (1 June 2009)

Well this week has been pretty exciting. Samuel, who has quit smoking for a while, told us this past week of how he has faced temptations. He spoke of one time how one of his friends offered him a cigarette and he had to tell him he quit. Another time just out side a store someone I guess had dropped a full packet of cigarettes. He was tempted to take it but walked past it. Then he thought and went back for it. He took it gave it to his friend Ronny, because he smokes. Not what I would have done but he didn’t smoke them which is important. He also had an experience where he was reading the news paper at work and a co-worker of his said something to him and gave him something in his hand. When Samuel realized what it was he was a little frightened. He threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it. Samuel is power; he and his wife were baptized this last Sunday.
We had quite a scare this weekend. Our chapel has not had water for about 2 weeks now and we thought it would be back by this past weekend but it wasn’t. We were having doubt about our baptisms. Some people were saying just postpone it. Baptisms are what missionaries live for you can’t just postpone it for a silly reason like that. Of course their needs to be water but we were not going to let this happen. We were to have 5 people baptized. Well like I said there was some doubt, and I even was about to fall into tears for fear that the baptism would not take place. We were worried almost all Saturday trying to figure out what we would do. Luckily I had some faith in me and I brought myself to my knees. I prayed vocally in the chapel that the Lord would help us. Well eventually a neighbor to the church which we were waiting for came home. We asked her if we could use her water to fill our font for a baptism and to answer my prayer she was very willing. We rounded up a couple hoses and took them through the church into the font. It took about 3 hours to fill but it was worth it. We thanked the lady who was not home at the time we finished by giving her a Book of Mormon and a baptismal program. On Sunday morning we received an sms (an sms is what they call a text message) from her thanking us for the book. The baptism was wonderful and all 5 candidates were baptized. Heavenly Father does hear and answer prayers. He did for me and because of that we were able to reach our monthly goal of baptisms for the month of May.
Transfer news came this weekend. President Poulsen called me early Friday morning to give me a new assignment. I will be serving in the Daveyton District as District Leader, in the Benoni Zone. My new companion is Elder Leve. Daveyton is another strong township area. In the call President expressed his hope for me and my new companion to continue the great work which is already taking place there. I’m a little scared about being a District Leader but am confident the Lord will help me do what He has called me to do. Also this Sunday I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. It was quite amazing because this was the first time I wasn’t so nervous. Surprisingly there was little fear as I got up to share what I had prayed about sharing with the Dobsonville ward. I spoke about baptism. I hope their hearts were touched. Missionary work is such a pleasure. I hope by next week I’ll be able to share wonderful things about Daveyton. It’s a little funny because I had actually spent the night in the Daveyton flat back when I was in my first area.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (25 May 2009)

All I have to say for this week is 21. Nope I didn't turn 21, not yet. Nope I wasn't robbed of 21 rands. Yes you guessed it. We had 21 investigators at church this week. It was very nice. In Gospel Principles class we had a little over 10 people. I don't know if we will have this many next Sunday, but it felt great. You always feel good when the people you've been teaching in their homes come to church. Out of the 21 one 7 of them came for the first time. One of them was Dorothy. During the week I made a deal with her that if she would come to our church we would go to a church meeting of her's this upcoming Tuesday. I wasn't sure if she was really going to come, but she did. She came with the Mokoena family, who are her neighbors.
We were able to do some street contacting to and from appointments. This bore the great fruit of a Father-led-family that we were able to teach this week. They were very pleased to hear from us and will be seeing us again next week. For many people here in the township it's hard for them to grasp the concept of only one true church. Even when we tell them about Joseph Smith and the Restoration they don't totally soak it in. People will always tell us, "I believe that their is one God and many churches." or they'll say "We are all praying to the same God." Nevertheless we are striving to be patient and help these people internalize what we are teaching.
Godfrey is still doing well. He continues to follow the commandments we teach him. He promised he would come to church the 31st of May so we shall see. Hopefully the Spirit will really work it's magic and Godfrey will be able to follow that Light of Christ which leads all mankind to the truth. We contacted a woman named Irene. We were really looking for her daughter, Refilwe, but she wasn't home. When I asked Irene if we could teach her she said, "I'm busy." that's the common excuse. I asked her what she was busy with and she said the laundry. She was just standing there so I asked her, "Are you just busy watching your laundry drying." for it was laying across the wall. She said no that she had some more. We offered to help and she told us that she didn't believe us. Elder Cunico and I proceeded to walk through the gate, go to her washing and wash. Elder Cunico and I were on exchanges that day. Irene was both suprized and happy for our service. She said she would visit our church. I am going to give her a call later today to set an appointment.
We also met a woman named Nunu, and her niece Keleilwe this past week. As we shared the Plan of Salvation from the Book of Mormon Nunu noticed that it had a lot of good information. She saw that it answered questions of the soul, and even wanted to have one. We let her borrow the one we were going to give her so that she would read it. Both of Nunu and Keleilwe along with a friend of theirs came to church, and they came nice and early. Many of the members here come late. We don't start until about 10 past 9:00am usually or somewhere around there. After sacrament we get a flow of people coming in as the doors are opened. People run on African time here, and African time can be really really late sometimes. It was funny this time because for the first couple of minutes as I sat in the chapel I saw more of our investigators than I saw members.
Scripture study as a missionary is wonderful. I was just studying today in 3 Nephi. I read chapter 6. When I read verse 29 this thought came into my mind, "Truly this Earth is a trial and a testing period. The laws and justice which man establish here are not infinite, they can be broken. The justice and laws in heaven however are infinite, and will not and cannot be broken." There are a couple things to learn from this. One is that Christ's atonement works under laws; laws that cannot be broken, laws that demand our repentance if He is going to be able to cleanse us. I also get some of this from Helaman 5, and actually it all over the scriptures. This is just a little of the thoughts I've had during my studies of the scriptures this week. Let us all repent and turn unto Christ, for if we repent, then we can be forgiven and eventually return to live with our Father.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (18 May 2009)

Another week has come and gone. Oh how time flies. This last week I expressed this to the other Elders in the flat by stating that it was a week since our last district meeting. Elder Fowles, the youngest, finding my statement to be quite obvious, replied with “yeah and it’s over 19 and a half years since I was born. When I am teaching I am happy and times slips by.
Godfrey (I found out that I’ve been spelling his name wrong) is quite a cool guy. Ever since we taught him the Word of Wisdom he has given up his coffee that he used to drink. We also recently taught him about the Law of Chastity and he said that he would stop doing those things which he now knows are in violation of God’s commandments. The only problem with Godfrey is getting him to leave his other church and come to ours. He’s planning to visit on the 31st of May which will be really good because we will be having a baptismal service that Sunday. Hopefully he will feel the spirit so strongly that he will gain a testimony that truly this is the church and this is where God wants him to be.
Another of our fairly new investigators is progressing quite well. This past week she told us that she felt the stirrings inside when she prayed about the Book of Mormon. She said that she had tears. You can imagine the excitement then that Elder Rajohanesa and I had when we saw her come to church for the first time this Sunday. Her name is Thoko and she is awesome. We reviewed the Plan of Salvation with her by making a diagram for her and when we asked her questions about it she was able to remember what we had taught her previously. She has a daughter of about 18 years old and a son of 11 years old who will probably in the short future be following their mother’s example.
Also this week we were able to find unplanned opportunities to serve. As we were traveling from one destination to another we found a family move some bricks in their yard. When we offered to help the daughter, Sihle quickly replied with “yes!” As we came into the yard getting ready to work the mother Madube asked “how much?” She was expecting that we wanted money for our services but we told her for free. Many people here in South Africa go around looking for what they call peace jobs. They don’t have jobs so they offer services to do little projects for people. This family was very thankful for our little service that we provided for them. We started chatting to them about the church for that is why we give service, to find opportunities to offer salvation to people. They told us of their church that they go to, and we told them that ours was just near by. They then told us that they would come visit ours because it is closer. The mother asked us for our numbers so that she could call us in the future. They did and gave us more specifics on when they would be visiting our church. They told us they would come next Sunday. Families are popping out of nowhere and they are blessings of God giving to earnestly seeking missionaries. They are given to us, and we to them so that our joy might be more perfect.
We had 2 of our hopefully 7 people on baptismal date for the 31st of May interviewed for baptism. Both passed and seem happy. One is a young man named Vuyo. He will be the only member in his family. He has been coming for well over a year with another family who are members. Vuyo lives with his parents, an older brother, and a younger sister. Hopefully when they come to their son and brother’s baptism they will feel the spirit and desire to learn more from us, the missionaries. I hope you find joy in these emails. I sure do enjoy the letters that I receive from friends and family on mission as well. It is so great to hear about their experiences and growth. I love you all.


Elder Lane

Dear Family (11 May 2009)

This week has been quite exciting. We've found a few new investigators who seem to be looking for the truth. Two of them are brothers, Xolani and Nqaba. They both had lots of questions and were trying to see if we knew our stuff. We were able to leave them with powerful statements of truth which I'm sure pierced them to some effect by the Holy Spirit. Xolani is looking for a church to join. I'm glad we came to him before he had made a choice. Both Xolani and Nqaba desire us back this upcoming week. Xolani was actually a referral from a member who came teaching with us that day. Godfree who I have mentioned before is doing well. We promised him that he would feel something different at our church if he came and have great joy. He then stated that he would have to come then if we were going to promise him such things. This is where faith in God really comes in. I need to really believe that God is going to help Godfree to feel the spirit if I make that kind of a promise. We also testified to him that he needed to seriously inquire of the Lord as to whether what we have been sharing with him is true. He committed to doing so.
Samuel is amazing. In Preach My Gospel there is a list of things you can do to help people overcome addictions. We went through this list and spoke with Samuel about the cons of smoking and the pros of quitting. We wrote this list on a piece of paper. We also created this statement and put it below the list: "As of tonight I will never smoke again in my life." We had him sign and date it and put it up on a wall where he could see it. We also had him put a little picture of Christ right by it. Since that night he has never smoked. If you want to keep God's commandments and are converted then you can do anything through Christ.
Our mission president, President Poulsen, is awesome. At our last Zone Conference he had us make goals for our next upcoming 4 months. On Thursday during our planning Elder Rajohanesa and I set goals. Our goals for these upcoming months are more then our last 4 months. The beginning 4 months of this year we had a goal of 18 baptism. These next months though we set a goal for 21 baptism. This goal is more inspired then the last I can say. We really prayed about it and even prayed at certain times of our planning for the individuals we had planned to be baptized. We asked the Lord if these people would be baptized the date we had planned. We received feels towards the different plans we set. We planned 5 baptism for May, 6 for June, 5 for July, and 5 for August. We didn't just set goals though, we even made specific plans as to how we were going to accomplish them. We drive about 10-15 km to our area each day, I'm not sure exactly how much it is but we do drive a distance. Elder Rajohanesa and I decided to start setting appointments for 8:00pm in the evening which we don't usually do. We also have started talking to more people to and from appointments and activities. Another thing we've initiating is the Book of Mormon Loan program. We've done this amongst the members and have had them loan the Book of Mormon to friends.
Happy Mother's day Mom, and all you other mothers. Sorry you get under appreciated sometimes, you truly are of great worth. A challenge to everyone I'd like to give is to say thank you more to your mothers and to show that you really appreciate them. Hymn number 292 is a great hymn to ponder during this recognition of Mothers. A member of the South-East Africa area presidency joined us for our Sacrament meeting on Sunday. He briefly spoke about and quoted the last 2 verses of this hymn. He expressed the importance of going to the temple to be married under Gods authority for time and for all eternity. He also made it a point to say that man and woman are equal; they are a partnership. Women are so very important. A man can not kneel at the altar alone. A man can not gain exaltation alone. The temple is truly the House of the Lord where He dwells. I have another challenge for everyone. Go to the temple if you have not recently been. By recent, I mean a month. You will receive great strength to withstand the evil one and stay steady on the straight and narrow path which leads to our Father in Heaven. Ok this last paragraph wasn't written very well, but I hope you understand.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (4 May 2009)

On Monday this past week we had quite an awesome experience. Elder Rajohanesa and I were able to teach a really cool Father-Led-Family. The family was a father, a mother and their 20 year old twin daughters. We were a little intimidated at first just because we aren’t usually able to teach families with the fathers there. The father’s name was Lucky and he seemed like he knew his stuff, and was a great leader of the home. As we taught he added some of his own thoughts as we asked for them. We got less fearful the more we were able to get to know the father and the family as a whole. The one daughter named Lucy has actually been able to come to church a couple times throughout the year. The mothers name is Violet and she told us of some of her dreams that seems as though they may have come from God. Elder Rajohanesa taught Joseph Smith’s history and related how some of the pastors of Joseph’s time may have taught that it didn’t matter which church you went to just so long as it suited you. As Elder Raj. taught this Violet made the comment that she believes the same thing. When we told the family that this is not how God would have it and told them that our Heavenly Father has one church which He recognizes Violet confessed. She told us that she hadn’t been to church in a while and that she wasn’t going because she often had the question of which one do I go to. Deep down inside Violet knew there had to be one that was right for everyone but because she didn’t know which one that was she went with the common misconception of the world today, “just believe in Jesus whichever way suits you.”
Sipho is doing great! We found out that he has been smoking for 32 years and that this was his first attempt to quit. He has done it; he hasn’t smoked since we first fasted with him which was about 10 days ago. He says that he doesn’t even feel the craving or desire when those around him are smoking and drinking. He’s been fasting for Motlalepula, and this week even asked us if he could fast for his brother that smokes and drinks. We told him that he could definitely do that.
This past week we had some time where not all of our appointments followed through. As we pondered what we should do, (because of a lack of well planned back-up plans which can be a struggle for me sometimes.) I said a little prayer in my heart that we would do what the Lord wanted us to do. As we tried some of our options I was determined to visit an old investigator of ours, Gomza. He was not home but Angie was. Angie has often sat in on our discussions but we had never actually been for her. We decided that day that it didn’t matter that Gomza wasn’t there we were going to teach Angie instead. Angie turned out to be a very good investigator. She had good questions. When I committed her to baptism she said she would be baptized if she found out that what we shared was true. I’m sure that she will make it for she was the one whom the Lord wanted us to teach at that time. He truly does guide His missionaries if they will but turn to Him.
This Saturday we had a wonderful Zone Conference, it was powerful. We listened to a clip of a talk given by Elder D. Todd Christoffersen. He spoke about our missionary purpose which is to:

“Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.”
He taught how missionaries should be driven by this purpose, and how it should burn within them. He spoke of the purpose and the missionary program not as a program but as a cause. We, missionaries, are a part of the greatest cause in the universe. That is the cause of truth, and peace; the cause of Christ. We are not offering merely information, but we are offering salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m striving more to have this purpose burn within me.
President Poulsen presented a new program that we as missionaries should try. It’s called the Book of Mormon loan program. I even want to challenge all of you who are reading this to do it. Take a Book of Mormon and offer to loan it to a family member, friend, or neighbor. Tell them that it is a book that you have read and enjoyed and that you want them to read it and tell you what they think. Give them a time frame where you will pick the book back up from them so they get a sense of urgency. When you pick the book up follow-up and ask them how they liked it. For any of you who have not read the Book of Mormon I challenge you to get a hold of one and read it. It is a life changing book about our Savior and His ministry to His children in the American continents centuries ago. I love you all, and hope that you can find joy in the challenge issued.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (27 April 2009)

This week has been a lot of fun. The work is going so well. Two of our investigators who have been smoking for years were able to quit. It was Brother Stephen Mogodi, and Sipho. We decided that we would fast with them so that they might be able to cut the addiction. On Sunday after Gospel Principles class Sipho had to leave. I asked him how the fast went. He told me that he did it for the full 24 hours even though Motlalepula didn’t, who we were also fasting for. I then asked him the big question, if he was able to not smoke during that time as well. He said he did it. That brought so much joy to my soul. I got a little teary eyed and just embraced him on the shoulder and said to him, that’s great Sipho, that’s great. Sometimes it’s hard to follow up with investigators because you are afraid that they failed or did not accomplish that which you desired them to do, but it is always necessary.
Another really cool event happened this week. We committed Samuel and his wife, Nhlanhla, to be baptized on the 31 May 2009. We gave them that commitment on Friday. They were a little unsure about it, and so we told them to pray about it. At our next appointment which was on Sunday we asked them again if they would be baptized that date, and they both agreed. Nhlanhla told us that they had discussed it as a couple and decided that there was no reason to post-pone. I think the real thing that was holding them back was smoking. Samuel I guess realized that he can quit by that date. He’s already gotten alcohol out of his life, I’m sure he can get smoking out as well.
We met a couple of cool new investigators recently. One’s name is Godfree. He lives by himself in an outside room of a home. We taught him about the Restoration and told him about Joseph Smith. He read the Book of Mormon and told us that he doesn’t have any doubt whether it is true or not. He believes it is true. The only problem is that he doesn’t fully understand what it means to know that the Book of Mormon is true. We explained to him that it means that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church of Jesus Christ on the earth. He’s not ready to leave his church right now but hopefully he will come around as we continue to teach him.
Well this one was quite short but it was sweet. Elder Hasina Andriamanafaka Rajohanesa and I are really hoping for more and more fruits to pick as we diligently serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love you all. Thanks for reading.


Elder Lane

Dear Family, (20 April 2009)

This past wednesday was really awesome. We had 8 appointments scheduled throughout the day and each one of them were kept. I can see this in the short future for each area and for everyday, where missionaries are just here to teach and that's it. That would be a wonderful thing fot that would mean that members are really magnifying their calling as member missionaries.
We received transfer news this Saturday. I found out that I am staying in Dobsonvillle for another transfer. How wnderful is that! Knowing that this place of Dobsonville is going to be my home for atleast another 6 weeks makes me really want to work hard to help this area grow in membership and unity. I'm sure President Poulsen expects good things from this companionship that is why he is letting us stay together for 3 transfers.
Here in South Africa they have what they call Sangomas, which are traditional healers. Another more negative name for them can be "witch doctors." They talk to ancestors and throw bones to be able to tell you your future and fix your problems. When a person is to become a Sangoma it is because they think their ancestors are calling them to be one. Noluthando, one of our investigators thinks she needs to be a Sangoma for this very reason, especially because her mother was one before she passed away. We let her know that these things are just traditions and she does not have to do it if she doesn't want to. I later asked her if she was going to be one and she said no. Noluthando is a great listener. Whenever we teach she is attentive and is able to relate to us what she has learned after we are done teaching.
On Sunday we had a wonderful stake conference. Our stake president, President Mkhabela, spoke about unity and how when a people are united they can do anything. He related the 9/11 event to unity and how the United States delt with it in great unity. He talked about patriotism not only of ones country but of the faith. He helped me relize that I am not just representing Jesus Christ here in South Africa but I am representing my country, my home and my friends and family. President Mkhabela is truly called of God to lead the people of the Soweto Stake of Zion.
William W. Parmley, Of the Sevent, was also a speaker at our conference. In his talk he posed a question, answered it, and explained it. He stated that this question is a question that almost every Latter-day Saint will be asked. The question was "what makes your church different from all the other Christian churches?" He instructed, or suggested that we answer that question by saying, "Ours is the restored church." He then explained the apostasy and restoration beautifully. One point he brought up that I really liked was that clearly the Apostles were determined to keep 12 Apostles on the earth. This is why Paul, Barnabas, James and Matthias were all called. Where is the unbroken chain of Apostleship which was intended to be? There is none for all the Apostles were killed, that is why Heavenly Father did restore it to a young man named Joseph Smith by whom also He restored His church.
Stake conference truly was wonderful. President Parmley and his wife spoke on the Saturday session about our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson. They told many miraculous stories of how President Monson was concerned for the one and went to help. As they spoke about our dear prophet I received a strong conviction that the prophet Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet of the world, given to testify and exemplify our Savior. I know that this, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the one and only true church of our Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ.


Elder Lane

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